August 31, 2010

Week 2, Year Dos

A Special Hello To Anyone Celebrating Their 112th Birthday Today--

Back again, again! How about those Cardinals, huh? Falling further and further behind the Reds. That's disappointing, of course. But I'm still holding out for the wild card and maybe Pujols winning the Triple Crown. Keep those fingers crossed!

On the academic front, things are still going well. Have you ever noticed that "Raft on not far" is a palindrome. I was just thinking of that... But back to the academic side. I've really started to enjoy my Rhetoric class with Dr. Charles Kovich. We just read "Phaedrus" by Plato. It's interesting to contrast Socrates'/Plato's views on what rhetoric should be (a way to communicate with the soul of another) to Aristotle's more "practical" view. I guess I'm in the former camp rather than the latter. It's debates like those, though, that make the class so interesting.

Last Wednesday, my friends and I went miming in the Plaza. It was a heckuva lot of fun and I'm hoping to do it again sometime. Miming is a subtle art and I'm working to master it.
Well that's it for now.


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