August 31, 2010

Week 1, Year Dos

Hello Blog Readers and Ocean Creatures,

Back again! Here we are, in the second year. If you're wondering what I did this summer, then just look up at the picture. That thing on my face took me a mere 73 days to grow (not that I was keeping an exact count or anything like that.) For all you mustache fans out there, know that the upper lip hair is still my favorite kind of facial growth. But if we are to ever reconcile with our bearded brothers, then we must be willing to join them and walk around in their facial "shoes" for awhile. That is the only way to get peace.

Rockhurst is as solid as ever. There have been some renovations around campus this summer, and the place is gorgeous this time of year. I've been hanging out around the new St. Ignatius statue, sitting on the benches, doing some thinking. Additionally, the McGee Parking Lot appears to have been re-asphalted, a move that has been applauded by students, tires, and H. Ross Perot alike.

Classes are going well. My favorite so far has been economics. I think it was either Calvin Coolidge or Emilio Estevez who said "The business of America is business." Though I consider myself a loyal patriot, I have never had much interest in business and so was skeptical going into Econ 2000, a pre-req to a political science major. To my surprise, I have enjoyed the class thoroughly, thanks in large part to the superb and welcoming teaching style of Dr. Stellern, my professor. He's a good, knowledgable, dependable maestro.

Well thanks for reading and, if you get a chance, learn to play the mandolin.


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