March 13, 2010

Springing Forward

Hello Citizens,

Ah... the night before spring break ends. I won't lie to you. I don't really like it. But, putting it all in perspective, I think the fact that it is the end of spring break is quite amazing. I mean, geez, I feel like I just got to Rockhurst yesterday and, yet, here we are, springing our clocks forward, eagerly anticipating longer days and the sweet freedom of summer. It's real. Time is flying, and pigs are not.

The one class I am really looking forward to getting back to is Comparative Public Policy. It is a great course. We examine various policies like health care, taxation, and education in different countries. You really get a lot out of it. For example, I never thought I'd be able to tell you the equal opportunities policies of Hong Kong and yet... here we are. That's my textbook for the class, pictured above.

Well, I better get some sleep. I've got a long drive back to Kansas City tomorrow!

Eat your vegetables.


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