April 14, 2010

With Great Flour Comes Great Responsibility

Hello All,

I'm back. I know it's been awhile, and I would like to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that I have caused you. There will be no need for finger wagging or angry letters directed toward me. I already get enough of those from my dog.

School has been cool-- that's why they call it school, of course. (Note: In Spain, they call school "la escuela.") School, though, has also been very busy. I am taking a class called Intro to Screenwriting that has been extremely fun but kept me working hard throughout the semester. Our completed, 90-120 page scripts are due on the 27th, so I've putting in a lot of time on that class.

Speaking of time and writing, the St. Olaf Rep Players finally performed Provost of the Habsburgs! The show was a sellout and a huge smash. We certainly did Lord Garrison Birdfinch proud. In the future, I hope to put on more productions with the cast and crew who made the Provost dream a reality.

In the words of famous football coach Chuck Seymour, "We must keep on trucking until we reach the velvet pillows upon which dreams lay their heads." This is great advice. No matter the obstacles in your path, keep going!


(Note: In Spain, they call goodbye, "el pulpo.")


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