December 03, 2009

Tale Spinning A Yarn

Hello All You Stevie Wonder-ful People,

Well, we've finally arrived at the end of the semester. It has been quite a struggle. At times, I wondered what was harder, getting through my classes or being on "The View" with Whoopi Goldberg. But as finals approach, I'd like to reflect on some of the friendships that I have made. Most notably my friendships with Greg 'Skoopz' Smith and Allison 'Barishnakov' Body. Though we only met three months ago, I feel as though I have known them like Tom Cruise knew Cuba Gooding Jr. and Renee Zellwegger in "Jerry Maguire," a terrific little film that Roger Ebert called "slightly above average fun for the non-holiday season."

In a lot of ways, I would characterize this semester as silly. The Mustache Appreciation Society has lived up to my expectations, much the way that Cuba Gooding Jr's character was able to play to his full potential and earn a new contract at the end of "Jerry Maguire".

Reflecting on my Freshman Seminar class, I can't help but think of the scene in "Jerry Maguire" when Tom Cruise goes to Renee Zellwegger's house and expresses his love for her. Perhaps I havn't made as strong of a connection with Freshman Seminar, but I will certainly be saddened to see it go, much like Tom Cruise's character was saddened to see Renee Zellwegger's character almost depart for San Diego to take a secretary's job in the middle of "Jerry Maguire". I am surprised that I was able to get so much information from a one hour class. Pete Rose once said that the difference between a .260 hitter and a .320 is a few hits a week. You can never give up an at bat. In a similar way, I have tried not to take FYS for granted, and I have gotten a lot out of it.

Now I know it's the holidays and I would like to keep this as non-denominational as possible, but I would just like to say "Happy Tet!" to any underground North Korean student who has hacked through the government internet block to read this blog. Here's looking at you kid.

With exams right around the corner, I regret to say that this is my last blog for awhile. I will return next semester, but all my posts will be under the name Betty Terbalder... oh I'm just being silly!

Now over the last semester, similar to Marcus Aurelius, I have collected some quote-end-quote "random" thoughts and I'd like to share a few with you:

1) Why doesn't Seal end every concert by playing "I Am The Walrus"?


2) If any of you are looking for a good band name, I would suggest "Of Merry Men" because everyone will always say, "Hey, it's that band Of Merry Men."

3)My pet rock, Dwayne Johnson, recently got kidney stones. How ironic. Keep him in your non-denominational prayers.

Our doctors have become Pepper,

our colonels are Mustard,

Belgian is waffle,

delicious with custard!

And the human race is run on treadmills to nowhere.

We only exercise our power to exorcise our pounds.

Others go with nothing, we devour Mounds.

But log on, man, catch the line

our holy book is Face and all the space is mine.

Okay, well I wanna say good night to y'all. Have a good Tet!

Sincerely Pores,

Betty Terbalder.

1 comment:

  1. Lady of the morning
    Love shines in your eyes
    Sparking clear and lovely

