November 22, 2010

Like A Bowling Loan

Hey Mr. Tambourine Man,

What's going on, everybody? My name's Joey, but of course you already knew that as I have been blogging for a year and a half now, rendering this sentence completely pointless...

When was the last time you knew what the capital of Pakistan was? Well it's Islamabad. You see, you do learn something new everyday! And that certainly is the case in Politics in Fiction and Film, a really terrific course in which I am currently enrolled. Each week, we watch a movie that explores some aspect of that crazy game we call politics (or Boggle!). Some of the films we've watched include Dr. Strangelove, Lord of War, and The Manchurian Candidate. What's more, we also read some interesting books, including Catch-22, 1984, and the only title without a number in it All The King's Men. It really is a terrific course and I feel as though I am truly gaining insight as a reader, viewer, and citizen.

Hey is that a blog post you're reading? Must be!



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