April 30, 2010

Hello Jimi Hendrix!

Hello Jimi Hendrix!

The year is quickly winding to a close. Is it already April 30th. (Insert pause here where I think about glancing down at the calendar on my computer screen only to find that I am too lazy). I took my Spanish oral proficiency exam today. I felt like it really went well, so I'm in a pretty good mood.

Looking back on my first semester at Rockhurst, I can honestly say that there have been ups and downs, but through it all, the people I have met here have made it all worth it. They have names like Greg Smith and Ryan Andrews and John Tarlasky-- monikers that may not mean much to you, but that now mean the world to me. I have attached a picture here of my friend, Greg AKA Antonius Charmoix.



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