April 30, 2010

The Department of Aviation

This came to me in a dream a few nights ago whilst I was lying on my (soft) bed. I would say something corny like this is the kind of inspiration you can get while you're at Rockhurst, etc. but I'm too lazy.

The Department of Aviation
A Poem by Harry Crishna

I am an aid in the Department of Aviation--
our planes go just south of creation.
The further you go, the further you are from where you're meant to be,
and if your flight does not arrive on time, don't you calling me.
Because I have already booked my luxury vacation
with great consternation at your exact same destination.

Well, I hoped you liked it. Life at Rockhurst has been busy, but we keep pushing through. In the words of Walt Whitman, "Onward, pioneers."

Hare Krishna,
Harry Crishna

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