October 11, 2009

Week 5

Hello Huguenots!

I can't believe that five weeks have already gone by! The Mustache Appreciation Society is in full swing. We recently had our "Stache-light Vigil" in which we all went out on the quad in hooded robes and had a moment of silence for all of the mustaches that have been shaved off in the last year. It was really terrific. We had a great turn out. We're now working on the organization's T-shirts and are open to any ideas.

Lately, I've really been taken in by a course I'm taking called Integrated Humanities. It is a combination of literature, history, and art. It is an interesting course that has really taught me to think about ancient culture as it relates to modern society. There is a lot we can learn from the past. We just finished the play "Antigone." I was not too excited about reading something 2300 years old, but it turned out to be one of the most intense, awe-inspiring pieces of literature I have ever read. It was really terrific.


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