October 11, 2009

Week 3 At Rockhurst

Hello Human Friends,


It's been a little while, huh? It's been quite busy at Rockhurst. Classes are really starting to heat up, but it's still quite fun. I'd like to tell you one of the reasons it has been so fun: the Mustache Appreciation Society. M.A.S. is a core group of students at Rockhurst (and around the world) dedicated to two goals: mustache appreciation and mustache growth. We just had our first meeting, in which we laid out the club goals. I am really looking forward to the rest of the year.


Classes have been hard but rewarding. All the teachers are extremely nice (even if I cannot say the same about the material). I'm really enjoying Philosophy class. My teacher, Dr. Sweetman, is very intelligent and has led many discussions on a variety of very interesting topics. For more info on the Philosophy department, go here: http://www.rockhurst.edu/academic/philosophy/index.asp


Well more to come later!


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