February 19, 2011

No. 2

Good to be here
in the blogosphere!

How's it going, everybody? Thought I'd just post a quick update about myself and my life at Rockhurst.

I've been keeping pretty busy as of late reading Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintanence. It's a terrific book in which the narrator uses his experience repairing and riding a motorcycle as the basis for exploring deeper philosophical concepts. A good piece of trivia for you: it is also Phil Jackson's favorite book.

Classes are going well. I am particularly excited about Intro. to Playwrighting, which I am taking with Dr. Charles Kovich. We are required to write a one or two act play for the class. Though this seems somewhat daunting to me, I am also incredibly excited. This, I think, is an awesome opportunity to improve as a writer.

Alright. Peace.


P.S. Here's the link to the Rockhurst English Dept. if you are interested.


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